Stomach Fat Burning Exercises

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How do I get this?

Perhaps the most common question that I get in the gym from training clients is “What are the best stomach fat burning exercises?” or variations of that question. They are usually expecting some kind of miracle abs exercise that will magically burn off belly fat. Maybe there’s some fancy new crunch or sit-up variation that will give them a trim waistline in no time. Uh nope.

There is a lot of misinformation floating around on the web these days, especially when it comes to the subjuct of losing abdominal fat as fast as possible. Although I’m finding that more and more people are becoming better informed about body and fitness related principles, there are still many who believe that spot reduction is the way to go.

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Probably you don't want to look like this.

The truth is, losing the stomach fat efficiently takes a multi-pronged approach. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is necessary to ensure long-term success in any program designed to significantly change body composition, including fat loss. Your body needs adequate nutrition in order to function optimally and to keep your metabolic rate up (basically, the rate at which your body burns calories). I’ll talk more about fat loss and diet in other articles on this site.

As far as exercises for burning stomach fat goes, you want to do workouts designed to jack up your metabolism. This means using exercises that involve as much muscle as possible. Your workouts should be made up of primarily multi-joint (compound) movements performed quickly. Doing compund exercises in an interval type of routine work well to jack up your metabolism, in large part because the also increase muscle mass.

Remember that muscle is a metabolically active tissue, meaning that it takes energy (burns calories) in order to maintain itself. This is part of the reason that interval training using big body compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, pushups, pullups, presses and dips work so well in a belly fat burning exercise routine.

If you rely on boring, back-breaking abdominal crunches and sit-ups to burn belly fat, you’ll never lose the ugly belly fat covering your abs. To get more fat burning results in less workout time, use fat burning interval training and total-body abdominal exercises instead.  – Craig Ballantyne (Turbulence Training)

Do the right types of exercises and eat a clean, balanced diet to lose the stomach fat that you want to shed from your body. Here are some additional articles that you might find interesting that talk about stomach fat burning exercises:

The Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast – King of How To News

King of How To NewsThe Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat FastKing of How To NewsAlthough it may surprise you, jumping rope, running and other cardiovascular activities represent some of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast, because they burn the mos …

Ab exercises alone won’t give you a ‘six-pack’ – Burlington Times News

Ab exercises alone won’t give you a ‘six-pack’Burlington Times NewsAt the end, they had not lost any belly fat or changed their waistline at all. If you want a smaller waistline and crisp abs, then you need to engage large muscle groups with exercise …

How to Remove Midsection Fat in Four Simple Steps


Targeting specific areas of the body for fat loss is an impossibility. Ab-specific exercises such as crunches and sit-ups tone muscles, but don’t guarantee your stomach fat will go away. Attaining the svelte stomach you desire won’t happen

Burning Belly Fat: Weight Loss Exercises


In addition to making people uncomfortable about their appearance, belly fat can also increase your risk for heart disease and other health problems. Reducing.

Burn Stomach Fat – 3 Effective Ways To Burn Stomach Fat


Many people wonder “what is the most effective way to lose fat around stomach” and I have to say that the best exercises to burn overall body fat is the best way to burn stomach fat. It is true. No crunches or sit-ups or leg raises


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