Forgotten Fat Loss Foundations

Are you working with or against your body in your quest for a leaner and more athletic physique?

Unfortunately I see too many people struggling to achieve their fat loss goals, this leads to obvious frustration. I hear this a lot…

“I’m working so hard in the gym and not getting the results I want!”

(and see it on even more faces)

The crazy thing here is that, and for me working in the gym, I witness it more than anyone, this is true. People are slogging it out day after day, so it’s often not because of lack of effort when working out.

Now, I’ll save exercise type, quality, selection, intensity, technique etc.. for another day. First lets make sure these 2 basics are in place. Think of this as part of your body’s ‘solid foundation’ to build the rest of your fat burning efforts on to.

Note: These may sound obvious as they are 2 of the most basic human needs, but so many people seem to fall short on one or both of them. Don’t let this be you…


Here are some things to think about…

sleep weight lossFACT: We evolved to stay awake for longer in the longer days of summer, and sleep for longer in the longer winter nights. Our metabolism is deeply linked with this evolutionary seasonal habit.

In those longer summer days the brain is one step ahead in planning for winter, this means carbohydrate craving and body fat storage for the upcoming winter. This was great, but these days with year round artificial light (light bulbs), that ‘winter’ never actually arrives. Those carbs (especially the bad processed ones) sure are readily available all year round too – a double body fat whammy!

Advice: Get at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night to prevent natural, instinctive body fat storage.


We all know we need to drink water, but how about this?…weight loss water

FACT: The liver wears a few hats but one of it’s main roles is to convert stored fat into energy to be burned. It also has to help out the kidneys when they are overworked. The kidneys struggle when they are thirsty (water deprived). So with the liver doing two jobs, it is less productive in it’s fat metabolizing duties.

Bottom line: Not enough water = more stored fat!

But how much?

The institute of Medicine says…

“…an adequate intake (Ai) for men is roughly 3 litres (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The Ai for women is 2.2 litres (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.”

Many people will say that most non-alcoholic drinks will count as your water intake which is true, but with a goal of body fat reduction, I always recommend that as much as possible should be plain water. There is no risk of unnecessary calories, sugars, fats etc., this way.

I’m sure you will agree that these are easily corrected. Especially now you know how they have the potential to keep you from the lean, athletic physique that you deserve.


About Adrian Woodall

Adrian Woodall is a Personal Trainer from the UK with 10 years experience in helping people to realize their health, fitness and physique goals. Specializing in body transformations, Adrian has a true passion for giving people the advice and tools they need to change their bodies and lives. For more information on the Training, Nutrition, and Mindset needed to transform your body visit Adrian’s website,


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